Author: Sandra Bareilles

Small World

If you were to marry Darren, your new surname would be “Small”. Then, if you had a girl, you could give her the first name “Theresa” and the middle name “Mildred”. That way, she would always remember she was once just an infant. … Even smaller than that to start. Read more →

Altered Beast

So Mickey’s just carryin’ a bat around. Seth asks him why he’s carryin’ a bat around and, as it turns out, it’s for exactly what you’d think it’s for. Smashin’ dudes. Mmm. You know, you’re no altar boy yourself. Don’t see what that’s got to do with anythin’. Plus, if I got hit that many times I’d probably get work done… Read more →

Ad Infinitum

They served them flipper pie. Can you believe that? … Sandy? Sorry… what? I said “flipper pie”. The trick is to grease the pan so that you never have to do that. I’m trying to express myself and you’re not even listening. … Sandy? I hear you. I’ll just warn you now that that’ll take a lot of postage. Read more →